Online MHFA Refresher (Half Day)

The Online MHFA Refresher course is delivered via Zoom (or other preferred platform if available).

MHFA England now recommend that, in line with physical first aid qualifications, Mental Health First Aiders should refresh their knowledge and skills every three years. This fantastic half day course enables us to revisit and update what we have learnt about mental health, think about and practice using the Mental Health First Aid Action plan, and share, support and learn from other Mental Health First Aiders.

Open courses are bookable on this site or via Eventbrite (while this service is being tested)- contact me to check eligibility for discounts, to request an invoice to pay by BACS, or to express interest in a course on a different date.

If you are interested in a course for your staff or members of your workplace or organisation – please contact me for more details and a quote.